Zoom Reports is a software program which allows coaches and directors to quickly and efficiently create player evaluations online. The program also allows for players to do self-evalutions, save comments and critiques, and communicate with both players and parents.
Zoom Reports has agreed to sponsor the Coaching Sessions at this year’s Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center. A representative from the software firm will be available to answer questions and demonstrate the product. The Workshops, (offered free of charge to Recreational, Travel, and Premier-level coaches, Directors of Coaching and Assistants who have registered teams in OYSAN programs and affiliated leagues) are a popular and well-attended component of the AGM weekend events.
Zoom Reports has agreed to sponsor the Coaching Sessions at this year’s Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center. A representative from the software firm will be available to answer questions and demonstrate the product. The Workshops, (offered free of charge to Recreational, Travel, and Premier-level coaches, Directors of Coaching and Assistants who have registered teams in OYSAN programs and affiliated leagues) are a popular and well-attended component of the AGM weekend events.
To learn more about the FREE workshops, or AGM, Hall of Fame Banquet or Awards Luncheon, please visit: http://www.oysan.org/About_OYSAN/AGM_Hall_of_Fame_Workshop.htm
Ohio Youth Soccer Association North (OYSAN) is the State Association for U.S. Youth Soccer, the nation’s largest sports organization and the largest member of the United States Soccer Federation. OYSAN’s mission is to teach both soccer and life skills to children of all levels of interest and skill. To learn more, please visit www.oysan.org or call 330-659-0989.